Getting help
You need some help with the website
Genepy is brand new, I know there’s still bugs, I’ll be glad to help you!You need some help with Python
The Python community is known to be friendly and welcoming, don't hesitate to ask for help!Get Genepy author as a teacher
Julien Palard is an independent Python trainer.
Contact him at this email address:
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the keyboard shortcuts?
We do use Ace Editor, the shortcuts are documented here.
Genepy has one more shortcut: Ctrl-Enter to submit an ansser.
Do I lose ranking points if I submit wrong answers?
No. Your ranking is only base on the exercises you solved and when you solved them:
- Solving more exercise will guarantee a higher ranking, even if late.
- In case of equality, ranking is disambiguated using who solved what first.
Can't connect to correction server?
If you have the correction server connection error, there's two main possibilities:
Either your internet provider (or VPN, or ...) blocks WebSockets, in which case you should politely ask for them to update their blocking policy.
Or my server is down.
Anyway don't hesitate to open an issue in the bug tracker, so I know.
My question is not in the FAQ, how to add it?
Ask me, I'll reply, and if it's frequently asked, I'll add it here.
You can ask me using by opening an issue, or send me an email at
How do team works?
Teams are named groups that have their own leaderboard.
Anyone can create a team at any moment, and leave a team at any moment, but:
- Joining a non-existing team creates it, you become the team staff, you and only you can now grant new members in the team.
- Joining an existing team marks you as willing to join, you'll have to wait for the team staff to accept you in.